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How to Create a Fringe Pool


GovBooks, by default, automatically sets up one fringe pool.

If your company does not use fringe pools, you may skip this section. In this case, when you are in the Account Assignment screen, you can simply choose to not assign any general ledger accounts to the default fringe pool. However, most companies will have at least one fringe pool if not more. Up to 10 fringe pools can be set up in GovBooks.

You may change the default name for the first fringe pool, from “Fringe Expense Pool” to your own fringe pool name, by clicking on “Yes” button.

Additional fields will appear to allow you to enter a required short title up to 12 characters long, and a required long title up to 60 characters long, and an optional description. Please note that the Pool Code is a default value and cannot be changed. You may save your entries at this point.

You may set up a second fringe pool by clicking on “Yes” to the question “Is there a second fringe expense pool allocated based on labor"?”

Another window will appear and allow you to enter your information for the second pool. You can keep adding pools in this manner until you have reached a maximum of 10 fringe pools.